
Showing posts from 2013
A while back I wanted to share this little blurb I wrote with a yoga magazine or something of the zen kind. Instead I'll share it here. Hope you like: *** We are becoming ourselves always. There will never be  one  defining moment in our lives. Every now and then you’ll try a new pair of shoes, a new talk, a new walk. If you think in this moment you know who you are, hell I bet you do. But who will you be a year from now? Or five? Or ten? Saying you’ll know is like picking a spot way out on the horizon and describing the shadow of a tree. It’s not for you to know until you’ve walked right on top of it and stood within its shade. Someone or something will always be coming into your life to show you new ropes and new ways of thinking. Someone or something has already made you laugh, or cry, and taught you that you're worth something, or worth nothing. Either way it's always been up to you to believe it or not. At some point you will step back from Influence and lo

So Long New England

Dear Blog, There is so much to say... Let me start from the beginning of this exciting and bewildering new chapter: This story begins on June 6th when Evan pulled a crazy move and surprised me at the end of my work day for our 1 year anniversary. I wasn't expecting him until 9 that evening but there he was at 6 o'clock jumping the staff entrance wall to greet me as I walked out! He whisked me out to Gloucester to sit at the beach we visited the day we met and then off to dinner at a restaurant called Duckworth's Bistrot in east Gloucester Square. Getting surprised by Evan, seeing the ocean, the warm atmosphere of the restaurant, all of it culminated to make a magical evening. The restaurant was such a romantic little place with only a few tables, a bar in the back corner that could seat maybe five, some Christmas lights around the ceiling, and some truly delicious wine and seafood. Afterwards Evan even took me to the park where we sat on the swings our first day meeting

Creative Hour

I do admit, for a blog with the word "Daily" in it, my posts don't come as frequent by any means. For this, I make no apologies and chalk it up to a full life. Challenges, triumphs and all. So! I hope you've all been well, and thought I'd include a recent blurb I wrote for a friend's blog called "Creative Hour with my Love" Sending my love. xo Emily Creative Hour with my Love                         1/28/13 As a full time employee in a very administrative department, I find very little time for creativity in my day to day. Having graduated with a major in Visual Arts two years ago at a school that nurtured my need to be submerged in colorful paints, bright glitters and all the tools that could assist my imagination, it was a slow and difficult adjustment to make. I found out that the days were no longer mine to conquer and explore, that my time belonged to “the Man” and that when I was set free at the end of the day, all energy—physica