
Showing posts from January, 2013

Creative Hour

I do admit, for a blog with the word "Daily" in it, my posts don't come as frequent by any means. For this, I make no apologies and chalk it up to a full life. Challenges, triumphs and all. So! I hope you've all been well, and thought I'd include a recent blurb I wrote for a friend's blog called "Creative Hour with my Love" Sending my love. xo Emily Creative Hour with my Love                         1/28/13 As a full time employee in a very administrative department, I find very little time for creativity in my day to day. Having graduated with a major in Visual Arts two years ago at a school that nurtured my need to be submerged in colorful paints, bright glitters and all the tools that could assist my imagination, it was a slow and difficult adjustment to make. I found out that the days were no longer mine to conquer and explore, that my time belonged to “the Man” and that when I was set free at the end of the day, all energy—physica